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This is the best device i have used. I started with 4 inches.....and after 4 months i can proudly say i am a genuine 6 inches!!!!! My boyfriend is very happy with my new i am going to stretch it even further....i think i should be able to reach 8 inches in 1 year. I will stop streching at 10 inches ,as my boyfriends arse can only take so much cock!!!!!!
These restraints are great for teaching your boy a lesson. Grab his wrists, find an eye hook (or his own feet) and he's defenseless. Then start whaling (until he starts wailing). Your boy won't talk back again - or maybe he will...
È grande, è robusto e il materiale è un po 'ruvido. Con un po 'di lubrificante scivolerà facilmente. Se cammini con esso, puoi sentirlo muoversi all'interno. Colpisce i punti sensibili, approvato!
Fabriquez votre lubrifiant intime pour hommes à la maison !
Je recommande ce lubrifiant en poudre pour des rapports sexuels tels que le fist ou la sodomie. Suivez bien la recette de ce lubrifiant en poudre, normalement utilisé dans le domaine de la médecine vétérinaire, et vous obtiendrez 30 litres de J-Lube pour satisfaire vos ébats.
This was a gift, and it made a great impression. So soft and cuddly. The fabric is beautiful. He has the most adorable little face. I was so pleased at what a great gift it turned out to be!
Qualität und Vearbeitung wirklch TOP. Einfach anzulegen aber entkommen ist wirklch unmöglich. Geniales Gefühl dann so gefesselt von mehreren Typen nacheinander "benutzt" zu werden und zwar oral und anal. Kann ich nur jedem Bottom weiterempfehlen.