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When I began to cum, I felt my ass gasping around the base, and my prostate being juiced like an orange. I had COPIOUS amounts of cum ALL over my hand, stomach, dick, and balls when I was through - the most draining and satisfying self induced orgasm I have ever had. I felt like there wasn't a single drop of cum left in me!
Tremblr is MEO's brand new hands-free masturbation machine
Tremblr is MEO's brand new hands-free masturbation machine designed to suck you for as long as you want, whenever you want. Imagine an on-tap blow-job that you control from your fingertips whenever you want, as many times as you want. Tremblr never gets tired, Tremblr never gets bored. Tremblr can suck your dick soft, slow and sensually, or it can take you balls deep sucking and fucking you to a high speed frenzied climax. You will start to look at Tremblr as your new lover, you will get excited by Tremblr’s mere presence in the room and yes it’s more than likely you will fall in love with a machine! Tremblr takes its name from the effect it will have on your legs, literally leaving you shaking and trembling blowing your cock and your mind together in one big powerful hit. This isn’t a machine you will get bored with after a few minutes, this is something you will re-arrange your life to spend more time with, forever making excuses to find those extra few minutes to spend with your new masturbation device.
Bucurati-va de o explozie de parfum si culoare cu Cocktail Editions, bucurati-va de o piscina cu un lubrifiant de lux. Slube este un gel care vine sub forma de cristale. Cand se adauga in apa calda, cristalele se despart, formand un lubrifiant corporal incredibil de neted si senzual. Puteti folosi Slube pentru orice, de la o experienta relaxanta in cada, pana la masaje senzuale! Slube acopera complet pielea, reducand nevoia de reaplicare si reducand frecarea dintre dumneavoasta si partener. Lasa pielea moale si revigoranta. Slube retine, de asemenea, caldura in apa, astfel vei avea mai mult timp pentru a te juca si nu este nevoie sa umpli in continuare cu apa calda. Folosirea cristalelor in cada Folosirea Slube este usoara! Umpleti cada, conform instructiunilor incluse, adaugati cristalele in apa si urmariti cum incepe gelul sa se formeze. Dupa ce ati terminat joaca, adaugati mai multa apa pentru a o dilua, apoi scoateti capacul de la cada. Folosirea cristalelor in alte moduri Va sugeram sa adaugati cateva linguri la apa calda intr-o sticla din plastic impreuna cu cristalele. Apoi, agitati pur si simplu sticla si in cateva minute, lubrifiantul pentru corp parfumat si colorat este gata pentru a fi aplicat! De asemenea, il puteti amesteca intr-un recipient, de exemplu, daca il utilizati pentru masaj. Din nou, cateva linguri de apa calda ar trebui sa fie suficiente. Vrei o joaca alunecoasa intr-o piscina? Se amesteca intr-o galeata si se toarna! Vrei o consistenta mai groasa? Doar adauga mai multe cristale! Ai nevoie sa fie mai subtire? Adauga mai multa apa! Este minunat sa experimentezi cu Slube si sa obtii exact ce doresti.
Devo ammettere che ero un po' scettico, ma dopo averlo usato due volte devo dire che fa il suo dovere. Il materiale è morbido e non da fastidio, meglio depilarsi a mio parere, potrebbe tirare i peli. La misura e' accettabile, anche se si allarga mi calza leggermente stretto, ma probabilmente è così che deve essere.
Hi, da ich schon lange mit der Analdehnung an meinem anatomischen Limit bin, habe ich mich jetzt nach langem Überlegen dazu entschlossen in die Tiefe zu gehen! Die erste Session habe ich jetzt hinter mir und ich muss sagen, mit dem Toy und dem empfohlenen Gel funktioniert das einführen super. Habe es bis auf ca. 27cm Tiefe geschafft! Für jeden Anal Fan eine tolle Sache um Abwechslung rein zu bringen. Ich wollte die erste Session gar nicht mehr beenden, super! Ps ich kann nur jedem Anfänger empfehlen sich erst mit der Anatomie der Analregion und des Darms zu informieren. Aber ich denke es lohnt sich für jeden richtigen Anal Fan mal über diese Spielart zu informieren.
Got this for my wife. Like everyone else she said that will not fit. After lots of warming up it slipped right in. The more horny she got the more she took.
Diese Teile sind definitiv der Hammer! Die haben ne verdammt starke Wirkung, aber sind super easy zu handhaben. Das Design erinnert an fette Wäscheklammern und sieht megageil aus. Ich kann die Klemmen an meinen Nippeln, am Schwanz oder am Sack anbringen und das gibt ’ne krasse Mischung aus Lust und Schmerz! Ob ich alleine abgehe oder mit meinem Partner, diese Nippelklemmen sind der Hammer. Und wenn ich richtig krass drauf bin, häng ich sogar Sneaks an die Kette!!!! Meine Nippel sind mega empfindlich und diese Nippelklemmen verstärken den Lustschmerz auf ne Weise, die ich niemals für möglich gehalten hätte! MEO hat hier echt hochwertige Teile rausgebracht, die nicht nur optisch geil aussehen, sondern auch für den Extra-Kick sorgen, den mein Freund aka mein TOP schon immer gesucht hat. Die Klemmen sind aus schwerem Metall und HOCHWERTIG. Aber Achtung, wegen der krassen Klemmkraft sind die eher was für erfahrene Jungs, die wie ich was intensives und HARTES brauchen
As an individual who is open to exploring new horizons in my sexual experiences, the Suction Cup Penis Plug has utterly transformed my intimate moments. This innovative and sensational evolution of the traditional penis plug has brought sounding to a whole new level of ease and intensity.
The brilliance of the suction cup cannot be understated. It securely adheres to almost any smooth surface, enabling a hands-free use of the penis plug. Now, I can focus entirely on the unique sensations that 'sounding' can provide without any distractions.
It's certainly not for everyone, but for those like me who crave new and intense sensations, it's a path worth treading.
In terms of product details, the plug is made from stainless steel, and the suction cup is detachable for easy cleaning. It comes in various sizes to cater to your comfort levels.
So I've been wearing this off and on for almost a year now. When we role play she teases like crazy and I can't budge in it. She's even mounted me and stuck my caged member in her pussy. The best part is she can attach a leash to the metal bars and pull me around. Also it works well with a strapon. There is a little pressure when she is riding me hard (she is riding the strapon) because the cage hits the dildo and then she crushes it. But great teasing. I've taken it off, 4 times since I got it. She's gagged me and rode my face. I've even gotten her to go down on a girl while I watched all caged up. This has definitely improved my sex life.
J'ai acheté ce spray retardant avec un peu d'hésitation, mais je dois admettre qu'il a transformé ma vie sexuelle. Il me permet de durer plus longtemps au lit, augmentant ainsi mon plaisir et celui de ma partenaire. Un excellent produit que je recommanderais sans hésiter.