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Bf loves this new dildo! Quality product, great texture and material. This definitely explores his deepest depths! Will buy another plug from MEO for his collection soon.
Being a straight male that enjoys anal play, I was looking for something bigger to add to my toy box. This toy is definitely bigger then my other toys I have. I have to say I was a bit intimidated by this toy at first but wanted to try it out the day I received it. When I went to try it out I did some warming up with a few of other toys first. It came time to try this monster out and I was only able to get 20cm inside me and was disappointed by that. But I'm gonna keep working with monster of a dildo and look forward to the days I'm able to get this monster dildo balls deep in my slutty asshole.
I love heavy metal cock rings and this is one of my favorites - great finish and design that is comfortable to wear for hours. Planning to get the same in a slightly larger size so I can stack the two of them for even more fun.
Ein Amsterdammertje ist ein typischer Straßenpoller, mit dem in Amsterdam die Fußwege von der befahrenen Straße getrennt werden. Die Poller sind mit den drei Andreaskreuzen des Amsterdamer Wappens verziert, die die drei Plagen Flut, Feuer und Pest symbolisieren.
Amsterdammertje bedeutet - aus der niederländischen Sprache übersetzt - aber auch „Kleiner aus Amsterdam.“
Der "Kleine" entpuppt sich aber als ein wahrhaft Großer, besser noch als ein Monster Butt Plug für Leute, die das Extreme und mehr lieben... In den meisten Fällen wird der ca. 7,5 kg schwere Super Dildo daher wohl ein bewundertes und außergewöhnliches Deko Element z. B. im Playroom werden.
It is an excellent plug that sits well in the ass.
It is an excellent plug that sits well in the ass. Despite its weight, I was quite easily to hold it in. Still, its weight definitely constantly reminds me of its presence.