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Ich habe mir den Anal Stretching Ringe zur Analdehnung XL gekauft, der ging auch ziemlich leicht rein! Ich bekomme ihn ohne Vorbereitung rein und er rutscht eigentlich auch wieder ziemlich leicht raus! Das zeigt mir, dass meine Analdehnung schon ziemlich gut ist! Ich hätte mir wahrscheinlich gleich den XXL Anal Stretching Ringe zur Analdehnung kaufen sollen! Trotz alle dem hat der Anal Stretching Ringe zur Analdehnung eine top Qualität und kann ihn nur weiter empfehlen an alle denen Analdehnung genauso gut gefällt wie mir!!!
AQUAMEO e' la soluzione piacevole ed originale a base d'acqua che fornisce una lubrificazione anale leggera ed assolutamente affidabile. Capace di fornire una maggiore intensita' delle sensazioni e dell'eccitazione durante il rapporto, ha numerosi vantaggi rispetto a molti lubrificanti: puo'essere utilizzato come un gel da massaggio e abbinato tranquillamente ai profilattici in lattice ed ancora, puo' essere un valido ausilio durante l'uso di sex toys! Non importa come lo si utilizza, Aquaglide Anal, ti fara' raggiungere nuove vette di piacere durante il rapporto! Cio' e' confermato da tutti gli uomini e le donne che lo hanno provato! I numerosi vantaggi di AQUAMEO: - approvato come prodotto medicale. - solubile in acqua e senza grassi. ? soggetto a controlli di qualita' costante . - adatto per rapporti orali. - lunga durata della proprieta' lubrificante. - pH ottimizzato. - soggetto a regolari test medici e dermatologici.
Habe ihn mir in M bestellt mit dem stopfen dafür in S. Heute bekommen, ich bin schon etwas gut ausgeleiert aber auch noch nicht zuu sehr, daher habe ich M bestellt. So was hatte ich mir immer vorgestellt und gewünscht, als ich den Grommet entdeckt habe auch gleich gekauft. Habe ihn am ersten Tag 4 Stunden getragen, auch eine Stunde spatzieren gegangen, haus Arbeit und und und, alles kein Problem, absolut Wahnsinn! Seid dem passen auch die größeren Spielzeuge viel angenehmer und man ist halt einfach offen, total genial! Der Stopfen hält auch Perfekt dicht!! Denke ich werde noch eine Nummer größer bestellen.
This one is pretty self-explanatory. VERYCLEAN is a disinfectant spray for use on sex toys. I was surprised at the size of the bottle, as I’ve never seen a toy cleaner that didn’t come in a 100ml size. This 200ml bottle will last ages, and I use toys multiple times a day, every day.
Just like most other cleaners, it’s best used after giving your toy a preliminary wipe down, as it doesn’t remove gunk like a soap would, especially if you leave clean up until the morning after.
There is, however, one thing that sets this spray apart from all the other ones I’ve tried; it’s amazing at getting the butt stank off silicone plugs, beads, and dildos. I don’t care who you are, or if you’ve cleaned your butt so thoroughly you can whistle through it – put a silicone toy up there and it will pick up a funky smell.
This spray annihilates that smell. Yes, I did sniff a recently cleaned butt toy, and right up close too, but after the wash-wipe-spray-air dry routine I have for all things I use anally, the smell was gone. Two thumbs up, and it’ll clean those too. Really, it says so on the bottle, and we’ve used it a few times when hands have gotten a little sticky with lubes or massage oils to great effect.
I wonder whether it is watertight. Can you have a shower with it locking a chastity cage?
Thank you for contacting us regarding the MEOBOND Time Lock for BDSM and Chastity Belts.
I'm happy to inform you that the MEOBOND Time Lock is designed to be durable and resistant. However, it is not completely waterproof. While it can withstand some moisture, it's not advisable to wear it in the shower, especially when locking a chastity cage. The lock's mechanism and electronics are sensitive to water and could be damaged by direct or prolonged exposure.
For the best care and longevity of your MEOBOND Time Lock, we recommend that you remove it before showering or engaging in activities where it may be submerged in water.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
no muy eficaz / not very effective / pas très efficace / nicht s
se puede ahorrar el gasto. no vale la pena / don't spend your money. not worth / ne dépense pas ton argent. ça n’en vaut pas la peine / Gib nicht dein Geld aus. ist es nicht wert
These plastic locks are ideal for those who travel frequently and like to wear their male chastity devices at all times, the plastic locks mean that metal security scanners will not be activated. Also useful for beginners looking for a lighter alternative to the small brass lock.