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Eine schöne Kette die toll aussieht und von der Länge her reicht es auch, nicht zu lang und nicht zu kurz. Man kann einen Anhänger dranhängen oder sie so tragen, ganz wie man mag. Wirkt auf alle Fälle sehr, sehr maskulin.
This item appears to be well made, and easy to use. easy to judge the amount of lub in the Grease Gun. Its smooth finish makes it easy to use without any discomfort. and more important easy to clean after use
For my first time buying jockstraps these were great and i'm hooked, they are very comfortable. I wear them to go running and for work. It keeps you cool in this Hot weather. It offers great support. I will most definantly be buying more of these. They run small i bought a medium there a little tight but not terrible tight on me i think thats the purpose of a jockstrap.
It is very good to have this. However, no list of diameters in mm available, so what should I do now ? buy each of them to try, which one fits mine anal toy ? and still no answers from Meo customer service...
It arrived very quickly and discretely as all previous purchases from MEO have, and was put to use promptly. Once in place it is secure and comfortable. Or as comfortable as one can be with your happy sack trapped ....
This inhaler set consists of an steel housing, which can be disjointed into three parts. Using the screw-type cap the Inhaler is reassembled easily and can comfortably be worn around the neck with the accompanying genuine leather neckband. The internal part of the inhaler should be stuffed with cotton wool. For a prolonged durability of the fluid and a stronger impact.