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Un dildo XXL gonfiabile, che ho chiamato Gargantula, imponente nelle sue prestazioni, grandioso e intimidatorio. Se avete voglia di qualcosa di sostanzioso, non andate a cercare oltre, con Gargantula dildo gigante avrete quello che il vostro recondito desiderio di dominazione vuole. Il vostro giocattolo, potrà essere utilizzabile così come è, oppure gonfiarlo fino alle dimensioni desiderate. Lo stelo si presenta con una testa fallica realistica e venature naturali, che una volta gonfiato, aumentano notevolmente le loro potenzialità, diventando dossi e creste iper stimolanti. Una volta inserita, Gargantula può essere gonfiato ad una dimensione più ampia pompando la pompetta allegata. Per sgonfiarlo,in tutta sicurezza, è sufficiente ruotare la manopola alla base della pompa.
Holy crap! I play anally with plugs and the like. This piece if equipment is beautiful, well made and easy to disassemble for cleaning. When I saw it in person I thought, this will be nice. But... When I inserted it and opened it up, WOW. What an intense feeling. It didn't even try to fall out as I went about my morning routine. Love it.
Super bequem und angenehmes Material. Sitzt sehr gut und macht absolut Dunkel. Der Klett verschluss lässt sie schnell anlegen. Für so wenig Geld ein must buy
These three buckle hand restraints are secure as well as comfortable. You get what you pay for and with these restraints I got quality, period. MEO, you did it again. Very satisfied!
I love this product. It makes me want to have a constantly stretched slit. So goooooooood. My only issue is that between L (which I m used to use) and XL there is an immense difference. A size in between would be great because the step is way too big and demotivating
Blocks out almost all light, and it's very breathable.
During my first and only bondage session, I was made to wear one of these and I instantly loved it, so I had to buy one for myself. It is a fantastic hood. Quite snug but this is a good thing, and it is very comfortable. Blocks out almost all light, and it's very breathable. Very happy with it!
A great blindfold for the price. Comfortable and easy to wear, it doesn't slip and slide around like wider blindfolds can, and the contoured eye padding means there are no "peep holes" even when I'm lying flat on my back. And the leather smell is quite erotic. Excellent value overall.